Pallme Family
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Overview My ancestors are members of this clan. In 16th century, they were already living at Steinschoenau. Members of this clan were "Erbrichter" ( head of an administrative districts) of Parchen, village near Steinschoenau.My ancestors were glass-traders and involved in trading with the Italian States (Trieste, Tuscany, Roma, Napoli, Palermo, etc.) at least since 1720.
It is possible that they started this business with the Italian States even earlier. I traced my direct ancestors back to 18th March 1658: birthdate of George Pallme (Leitmeritz State Archive, L67/1, S.105 (62)) He got married in 1689 with Anna Maria Zinke. In the "Sterbematriken" (death book) is written that this George Pallme died on 30th August 1719 "in Faenca im Welschland". Welschland is an old German word used to identify the Latin countries (Italia, Francia, Spagna, etc.) and Faenca should be Faenza (Italy), but it is not yet sure. There are at least four lines (Neapolitan, Egyptian, Tuscan, Schelten) within the clan. Our common ancestor is Johan Franciscus Pallme (* Steinschönau 1698, + ?) son of above mentioned George Pallme. Johan Franciscus Pallme got married twice:
Neapolitan line of Pallme-Tausch I belong to this line. My direct ancestors used to live at Steinschönau 70 before moving to Italy. /1/, /2/ The family of my great-great-grandfather, Anton, was involved since the 17th century (but it may also be earlier) in the trade (and perhaps manufacture) of glass products and, later on in Naples, porcelain too. Due to the above business, at the beginning of 19th century he moved with his family to Italy.
Other members of my clan were already in Naples at the end of the 18th century: Vincent Christian Pallme, brother of my great-great-grandfather Anton, died in Naples in 1801. My great-grandfather Franz Josef Pallme was born in 1841 in Trieste (at that time part of the Habsburg Empire):
Roberto Pallme (born in Naples on 23rd January 1893; dead in Naples on 6th May 1984) is a member of this line. He was son of Franz Josef Pallme (Trieste, 1841 - Napoli, 1921?) and Clara Treiber (Osnabrueck, ? - Napoli, 1918). He was not involved with the glass business, but very keen on scientific and technologic innovation, a great lover of silent and sound movies and a collector of relevant prints, the managing director of his family's dry battery factory. He is relevant of mention since his silent movie collection (The Roberto Pallme Collection) is including very interesting items from the movie history point of view and some movie prints are the only copy extant (for further information see relevant web page). [Top]
Pisa and Schelten lines of Pallme-Tausch Cousins of Anton were in Tuscany (first in Leghorn and then, since about 1820, in Pisa). They were sons of Christian Pallme, born in 1741 of Johan Franz Pallme (born in 1698) and his second wife (Rosina Pallme-Tausch). They used to live in Parchen. Christian was half-brother of my ancestor Franz Pallme (born in 1734) and, therefore, uncle of my great-great-grandfather Anton (born in 1782). The descendent of Christian Pallme had pottery factories in Pisa (Italy) and in Schelten (Bohemia). The Pisa factory "G. Palme" was taken over in 1887 by the company "Richard" that merged in 1903 with the company "Ginori". The company "Richard-Ginori" is still in activity. As far as their Bohemian factory (Steingutfrabrik), it seems that it was no longer in activity in 1908. [Top]
Egyptian line of Pallme-Tausch Ignaz Samuel Pallme (born in Steinschönau on 1st Feb. 1806 and died in Hainburg near Vienna on 11th June 1877) and Joseph Pallme (born in Steinschönau on 17th Dec. 1810), sons of Franz Anton Pallme ( born in Steinschönau on 24th Oct. 1762), are members of this line.Ignaz Samual Pallme carried out his business activity (Trader) in Italy (Naples, Palermo, Trieste) and in Cairo and used to travel in Egypt and Sudan. He explored Sudan also looking for the Nile river's sources. At his return in Europe, he wrote a book Kordofan (region west of Khartoum) that is at the Austrian National Library (Signat 393870 B, Band 24) in Vienna. A doctorate research on Ignaz Pallme was carried out by Dr Josef Lumpe. It was submitted on 8th June 1936 to the University of Prague. His brother Joseph Pallme travelled in Sicily, Syria and Palestine /#/. He wrote a book Meine Reise durch Sizilien, Syrien und Palestina that should be at
/#/Please, note that in the first half of 19th century Austrian naval forces were in the Near East and North Africa; i.e.: in 1829 Marocco; between 1839 and 1840 Syria. (Sorce:;internal&action=_setlanguage.action?LANGUAGE=en) They are also mentioned in the following books and magazines
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