Pallme Family ![]()
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| Pallme Family ![]()
Family Name
As far as the family name is concerned, it is sure that the proper writing form before the 18th century was "Pallme" with double-L for all the clans.
The first witness is a German paper on
"votive crosses" in which it is mentioned a certain Martin Pallme
who died in 1678 at the age of 77 years in a Saxon countryside close to the
border with Bohemia:
" Pallmens Stein, ein Steinkreuz bei Hinterhermsdorf am alten Weg
nach Saupsdorf zeigt an, wo 1678 Martin Pallme auf einsamer Flur den Tod
fand. Er war ein Häusler aus Hinterhermsdorf und 77 Jahre alt, tot
aufgefunden am Sonntag Judica.". /10/, /12
This means that the name ‘Pallme’ was already written with two
"L" in 1601 (?).
The second witness is the fact that in a document of 1689 the name of my family was written ‘Pallme’. /2/
The surname of some of my ancestors is also written Palme in some Bohemian documents of the 18th and 19th century: the first time in October 1734, according to my present knowledge (§). It is properly written ‘Pallme’ in all the Italian documents of 19th century. I do not have any Italian document before 19th century.
Herr Thorgunt Palme wrote me in June 1998 : |
Die Herkunft des Namens Pallme (Seite 1)
… Über der Herkunft des Namens PAL(L)ME kann man nichts bestimmtes sagen, auf jeden Fall hat bis jetzt niemand eine plausible Erklärung abgeben können, nur Vermutungen, Pallme gab es in Nordböhmen und in Sachsen, der Name schrieb sich bis Anfang 19. Jh. mit doppel "l". Viele Familien ließen ein "l" weg, andere so wie Pallme-Tausch und Pallme-König haben das doppel "l " beibehalten. …. |
Among the different clans, it seems that only the Pallme-König clan has officially united the addition-name (Beiname) to the surname as new Family name in order to differentiate from all the other Pallme.
It is surprising that, apart from some Saxon Pallmes, only
the Pallme-König clan,
the Neapolitan line (my line) and the Egyptian line of the Pallme-Tausch
clan (#),the American descendants of Adolph Joseph Pallme (aus Böhmen bei Kamnitz),
that in the second half of 19th century carried out his business activity in
have continued to use the original name with double-L .
It is possible that they did it intentionally for practical reasons (mail, tax, etc.) in order to differentiate from other Palme living in the same area.
(§) |
For example: my great-grandfather, born in 1841 in
Trieste, had an Habsburg passport issued in 1883 at Tetschen (Böhmen).
Notwithstanding his name was written "Palme", he signed "Pallme". |
(#) | The Toscan and Schelten lines of the Pallme-Tausch clan have used the form "Palme" (with only one l ) both in Italy and in Bohemia. |